Make Disciples
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" Matt. 28:19 (ESV)
Guided by our Lord Jesus Christ's command, South Columbia Baptist Church is very missions minded. We regularly contribute 10% of our offerings through the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program to support International and North American missionaries.
Special Mission Offerings
Annie Armstrong

Over and above our regular giving, two special offerings for direct support of North American and Foreign missions are taken each year. The Easter Annie Armstrong offering is named for a woman from Baltimore, MD who became famous for her passionate advocacy in support of missions in America. Today it supports missionaries all over North American.
Lottie Moon

The Christmas Lottie Moon offering, named for a missionary who served China from 1872 to 1912, goes to support international missions.
Local Missions
Closer to home we support a number of ongoing and special mission projects. Click the links below for information about the organizations we work with.
Abolition Men - Derek Thompson
CTEN - Melody Warford (Stone Soup Ministry)
Sunday School classes support a variety of outreach and mission efforts as the Lord leads such as sponsoring children through Compassion International and World Vision.
AWANA Bible Clubs work with an AWANA missionary serving in Washington, D.C.
South Columbia Baptist Church also works closely with both Mid-Maryland Baptist Association and Baptist Convention of MD/DE.
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We'd love to share more about missions at SCBC with you!