Mission. Vision. Ministries.
Our mission is to introduce people to Jesus and to help those who know Jesus become more like Him. In a word, our purpose is Christian discipleship. In order to fulfill this mission, we want to see our community follow Jesus Christ through worship, nurture, and outreach. The ministries below are the ways in which we seek to accomplish our mission and vision.

Children are important to Jesus and to us. We want to help parents in their efforts to connect their kids to Christ. We strive to do this through Nurture, Outreach, and Worship (N.O.W) and through AWANA.
For our youth. For the gospel. For God's glory. That's what we're all about! We love our middle and high school students! Our greatest hope is for them to know and follow Jesus. [Learn more...]

Our Women’s Ministry exists to help every woman feel loved, accepted, encouraged, and equipped to pursue a passionate, growing relationship with Jesus Christ, and to respond with gratitude for that relationship by serving others in love, making great friends on the journey. [Learn more...]

Adult Ministry is a vital part of our church. This growing ministry provides Christ-centered activities for Christian fellowship. Our group includes people with full- or part-time work, retirees, singles, couples, widows/widowers. [Learn more...]

Guided by our Lord Jesus Christ's command, we are very missions minded. We support International and North American missionaries. Closer to home we support a number of ongoing and special mission projects. [Learn more...]
Living in a manner worthy of the gospel isn't necessarily easy. Getting connected with a loving, nurturing community encourages us to grow in Christ-likeness and to live godly lives. [Learn more...]

Music & Worship are an integral part of the overall ministry picture at SCBC. Find out more about our music and drama ministries. [Learn more...]

SCBC has participated in Winterhaven for many years, hosting homeless men for a week in February. It's a way to reach out to the community and to bring our congregation together through service. [Learn more...]